21st Century Skills Training

21st Century Skills Traning

Reflection on the Fourth Week of the Traning

 Helloo guyss!!!

This week our readings were Technology in the Classroom by Dudeney, & Hockley  and
The Impact of Technology on How Instructors Teach and How Students Learn by Sarah Elaine Eaton. So our reflection questions were about these articles. The main focuses of the articles were how we can teach by using technology, what kind of effect the technology has on students. 
We read our articles and wrote our answers to reflection questions before our training section. And this week's section we started with discussing these reflection questions. Again it was a group activity because I believe our trainer wants to teach us how we should collaborate and interact in a group, what kind of roles we have in a group and how we can organize and share our thoughts and opinions in a group. 

After our group discussion, our trainer made a presentation to us which is about 'Digital Literacy'. And we talked about our answers with the help of our groups' speakers. 

Then, we discussed the benefits of integrating technology in teaching and via Wordwall, our trainer wrote our answers and we had a bunch of ideas in a wall in the end. 
We started our second session by talking about possible barriers to integrating technology into teaching, and we agreed that lack of time, insufficient internet connection, being incompetent at using technology, and fear of the unknown can be possible barriers to teaching with using technology. 

Our trainer showed us some questions by using Linoit like ' How can I use ICT with my class if there is only one computer in the school? What can I do if my learners have very ow information and technology experience and skills' and so on. She asked us to write down a question if we have, and we wrote our questions. Actually, those questions were the questions that I always think about them when the issue is technology and teaching with it. So our answers and opinions were so beneficial for me, I am glad that we did such an activity. I do not feel uncomfortable anymore, with some problems that I might encounter and deal with. 

Our trainer, again showed us some websites which is my favorite part of our sessions because when she show and explain to us how we can benefit from them and use them in our teaching, I see how many opportunities we have and I feel very lucky with it. Internet supplies us with hundreds of sources and applications, websites. All we have to do is search, find, and use them!!

Here the websites that she showed us for using them for creating materials and preparing handouts for our lessons.


With wordwall you can prepare lots of mind maps.

Wordart and Word clouds;

Wordart and Word clouds have similar functions. With them, you can create word and tag clouds. There are lots of shapes for you to choose from and you can download your own shape too. Remember I shared an angel shaped cloud here, it was made by our trainer for our session, so you can take a look at it if you want to see an example.


 You can create different posters, combine new videos, and images with it. It is motivating for both teachers and students. 

Canva ;

I REALLY like Canva, there are dozens of opportunities for you to create. You can design everything from a lesson plan to a logo. I really use it nearly for everything, you can use its on images and also you can download your photos too. 

Prezi ;

It helps you to design and prepare creative presentations.

And finally, at the end of our session, we talked about our project. Our project will be designing a web page that will be about things that has an effect on ELT's future. We haven't found 'the thing' yet but I hope we will find it soon and prepare a wonderful page for everyone.

And here de links to these incredible websites, applications. Click the links and familiarize yourself with them.






Word clouds

#language #learning #global #technolog #digital #thinking #critical #globallanguage #training #ELT #teaching #collaboration 


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