21st Century Skills Training

Reflection on 3rd Week of the Training


This week I am here with a new topic from our training program!! This week we discussed 'Digital Literacy'. 
In the first session of our training, we made a matching activity on digitals skills. Our trainer Melda Yılmaz used 'word wall' web-site for that. The website did not just present you with the words and their meanings. It gives a small picture related to the word and this picture is next to the word, so you can contextualize this specific term. And all you have to is finding the meaning among other meanings, drag and drop the word to the meaning. 
Besides that, you can see your score when you complete the activity. What your score and the others are all presented in a chart. Simultaneously we all did the activity and our trainer could see the results and we could see everyone's score too. 
Using Word wall was really good, it was efficient and practical. Even if we did individual work we can interact at the end and I think that activity was really suitable for every kind of work. I really liked that and I think about using that with my class in the future too. And also I feel more comfortable after we did this activity because the terms we used for our discussion had similar meanings and they can be compared with something else. When we did the activity all the terms were more clear for me and I could use them appropriately.

After the word activity, we were separated into groups and with our group members, we discussed the reflection question of the 3rd week that our trainer sent us to answer. We made clarifications, shared opinions and when the time was up, we returned to the main session and shared our opinions. 
This week we were better at managing our groups, organizing our thoughts, and sharing our thoughts I think. We had roles and did our task then our speaker summarized and talked about what we talked about. 
Groups works are really important and beneficial I think. Because when you listen to others you see different perspectives and learn lots of things. 

After our group discussion, our trainer presented a slide show for us and explained the terms us clearly. And she showed some websites for us to inform us on how can we search for research, cite, store our works, etc. 

Before the end of the session, we were separated into groups again and discuss the answer to our reflection questions. Those questions were about internet privacy, cyberbullying, etc.
We discussed the questions with our group members and again shared our discussion with the rest of the class.

Actually, I was not so familiar with the terms that we mentioned this week, for example; information literacy, bookmarking, and so on. But thanks to our discussions I am capable of understanding and talk about them confidently. 
For example, I haven't experienced any cyberbullying but some of our friends and our trainer told their experiences and then I realized how we are close to it. 

For the session of this week, I would like to say, a teacher must be aware of and know the world. Presenting and giving her/his students many opportunities are so precious and important. For both teacher's own development and students' own development knowing digital literacy and its functions is so beneficial. And also knowing and informing students against computer crimes are important too. Keeping up with the times is essential for every human and I believe a teacher should inform his/her students about them appropriately.


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21st Century Skills Training