
Kasım, 2020 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
21st Century Skills Training Reflection on 3rd Week of the Training   This week I am here with a new topic from our training program!! This week we discussed 'Digital Literacy'.  In the first session of our training, we made a matching activity on digitals skills. Our trainer Melda Yılmaz used 'word wall' web-site for that. The website did not just present you with the words and their meanings. It gives a small picture related to the word and this picture is next to the word, so you can contextualize this specific term. And all you have to is finding the meaning among other meanings, drag and drop the word to the meaning.  Besides that, you can see your score when you complete the activity. What your score and the others are all presented in a chart. Simultaneously we all did the activity and our trainer could see the results and we could see everyone's score too.  Using Word wall was really good, it was efficient and practical. Even if we did individual work we can

21st Century Skills Traning

  21st Century Skills Traning Reflection on the Second Week of the Traning We are keeping progress!! The second week of our training is done. We have enjoyed so much and created lots of ideas.  This week our main concerns were; Collaboration and English Language Teacher as a native speaker of English or a non-native speaker of  English.  In the first session, we did lots of group works, our trainer Melda Yılmaz showed us a picture which is an angel shape formed by a lot of words. She said these words are from a song and asked us to guess what might be the song about. She posted out guesses via Linoit. There were lots of creative ideas about the song. Then she wanted us to divide into groups and choose at least 15 words from the picture and write a story about the song. After we wrote our stories we posted them on Linoit and read our stories. There were lots of crazy stories and ideas about the song and we have enjoyed a lot.  Finally, she made us listened to the song and we discuss it.

21st Century Skills Traning

21st Century Skills Traning Reflection on the First Week of the Training We were invited to participate in a research study titled “Integrating 21st Century Skills Training With Project-Based Learning to Cultivate EFL Pre-service Teachers’ Professional Skills”, carried out by Melda Yılmaz as part of Bahçeşehir University English Language Education Ph.D Programme in Istanbul, Turkey. And now, we are a part of this study that will bring great opportunities and benefits to us, the English teachers of the future. Here is my reflection from the first week of our training.  In our first session, we talked about ' Critical Thinking'. What is critical thinking? Who are the weak critical thinkers and who are the strong ones?  Critical thinking  is a skill that includes thinking, analyzing everything in a clear, rational, and deep way. Strong critical thinkers have some characteristics like inquisitiveness, investigation, observation, analyzing, creativity, evaluation, open-mindedness, o